Breaking For Freedom is about being free. it’s about being happy, to live the abundant lifeGod has for you and working hard to reachyour goals. it is about working to achieve your dreams and see it become a reality
Tonny Roberts
Breaking For Freedom
Breaking For Freedom is about being free. it’s about being happy, to live the abundant lifeGod has for you and working hard to reachyour goals. it is about working to achieve your dreams and see it become a reality.
Hugo Leandro –
Este fue un devocional increíble que realmente me ayudó a ponerme en contacto con mis problemas. ¡¡Además tambien me esta ayudando mucho a superarlos !!
Mr. Michael –
Awesome book. Used it for a class in Bible school.
Gissel –
Rebekah S. Hammond –
Excellent book and a real faith builder in the word of God. Without the word of God it is impossible to have faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.